75 Years & Counting

Here are steps you can take to join us in spreading messages of hope and peace.

  1. Starting August 6, 2020m check out our film, 75 Years & Counting: From Hiroshima to Hope, and share it with others. This 36-minute film includes a brief history of From Hiroshima to Hope, traditional Japanese taiko drumming and flute music, original poetry, and first-person interviews with hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors).
  2. Vote for peace! Register and vote for candidates that support peace and nuclear disarmament, and contact your members of Congress to demand we reduce federal spending on war and weapons of war.
  3. Join movements for justice that create the conditions for peace, such as the movement for racial justice in support of Black Lives, or the struggle to free immigrants and refugees detained while crossing the US border or while living elsewhere within the country.
  4. Display images of peace. For inspiration, see our instructions for making your own peace lantern.

Read more about nuclear disarmament and how to take action:

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)

Washington Against Nuclear Weapons

Ground Zero Center for Non-Violent Action